Monday, December 19, 2016

Memory Monday: Another Multi-Generational Decoration

Nearly 50 years ago (wow, that is a long time), I worked at K-Mart. At Christmas time that year, they had some music boxes that looked like angels surrounding and playing an organ. I bought one for me, then one each for my mother and mother-in-law. I loved mine and they said they loved theirs (hey, they are family, so what else could these dear ladies say?). Anyway, through the years, these two women passed away and their Christmas decorations have been passed down. I’m not sure if the one that is pictured above was mine or one of theirs. I do know that for two generations, we enjoyed them.
When my children were old enough, they like to play with the one I had. I don’t know how many times we wound it up and listened to it play “Silent Night.” This made three generations that have enjoyed this cute piece of Christmas.
Now my new granddaughter loves it. This makes four generations that have listened to it. I’m not sure if it will last to a fifth generation. If you look closely at the picture, you can see that one of the little angels at the top of the organ has lost its wings, while the other one has lost half of its. The angel “playing” the organ has not only lost its wings too but (and what you can’t see) also its right hand. The bench has been glued at least once and needs to be repaired again. The vases on the sides of the keyboard have lost their greenery and while the candleholders half way up the sides have lost their candles. Also what you can’t see if the left side where the blue plastic panel behind the filigree fell down and is lying under the music mechanism. Still, THE MUSIC FROM THIS MUSIC BOX SOUND GREAT! Most music boxes I’ve owned have become “tinny” after a while. This one is still beautiful sounding after all this time and use.
The other day, my granddaughter pulled it in front of her, placed a finger on either side of the angel on the bench, and “played” the organ as the music box slowly unwound. She loves it.

I will do my best to fix and glue together this piece of our family’s Christmas decorations so my granddaughter can play with it again next year (and several more years after that). Maybe, just maybe, with enough glue, it will last to the fifth generation of our family.

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